
Planning Was My Profession – Farmland Preservation Is My Love

Planning Was My Profession – Farmland Preservation Is My Love


Thirty-eight years ago I climbed down off a tractor and went to work for the New Castle County government.  Where did my parents go wrong?  Seriously, I’ve not regretted a minute of the time as I look forward to retiring from the State of Delaware at the end of June. I did tell every boss that I worked for, “If you want to fire me, let me know in January.” “Why?” “Because, then at least, I can buy some seed and get a crop in the ground!” Farming was a passion I inherited – saving farmland I had to learn.

It’s been a good run here at the Delaware Agricultural Lands Preservation Foundation in the Department of Agriculture. With over 100,000 acres of Delaware farmland permanently preserved I feel as though I’ve done what I came here to do 28 years ago. I’m the only person who has ever managed ag preservation in Delaware. Like Ted Williams’ home run in his last at-bat, I wanted to leave public service on a high note – I think I’m doing that. Planning has always been my profession – away from the farm. At the very heart of farmland preservation is good planning. Many people talk about maintaining a local food supply, or insuring the local ag economy, or supporting the noble profession of farming as reasons for putting public money and effort towards preserving farmland. Those are all good reasons. But at its very heart farmland preservation has always been, for all those reasons and many more, just plain, good planning. Preserving farmland complements good urban planning, too. It’s all part of what every jurisdiction should be doing as one of its principal goals – solid planning.

In the 1950s, when “Holly” Whyte (famous, then, as author of The Organization Man and with a definite Delaware connection as a graduate of St. Andrew’s School in Middletown) advocated for preserving farmland through placing conservation easements on prime land, it was really part of his wider vision for planning in New York City. In 1972 Whyte wrote the text for the NYC Plan. Later, “Holly” became famous for his insistence on street level plans that reflected humans’ actual activities. The connection is obvious – eating and farming are the most basic of human activities and should be at the very base of the plans we make for our civilization. The Greeks and Romans made the farmers’ marketplace (agricola) the centerpiece of their city plans. William Penn, another great city planner (and planter!) established farmers’ markets in his plans for Wilmington, Delaware. Only recently are we re-discovering the proper role of farmland and markets in our plans. I hope it’s not too late.

But preserving farmland has been my passion. Ultimately, the value of preserving farmland is a personal matter. As much as anyone in this business I’ve tried to use statistics, analysis, facts to justify the permanent protection of farms for future generations. In the final analysis, though, I have found that the public, and most farmers, have a deep-seated commitment to protecting the land that transcends numbers. While I can justify marriage (most days!) by citing the tax code, or longevity statistics, or basic economics, at the end of the day I’ve stayed with Joan for nearly forty years because I love her so much. That’s been the case with preserving farmland, too. I love doing it! I love seeing the face of an octogenarian who walks in to permanently preserve his great-grandfather’s farm. I love handing a settlement check to a young couple who are committed to farming a piece of land for a lifetime. I love it when someone who just bought a farm signs an easement and says, “Well, this farm will never be developed!” I don’t know exactly why I love all these things – but I do!

When I left home at 18 my father had a few words of advice. Fathers always do, don’t they? He said, “Whatever you decide to do with your life, try to make it something you would do even if they wouldn’t pay you for doing it.” Dad always said his vegetable farming and greenhouses were his hobbies – and he made money, too. I think I’ve done the same thing with my career. They’ve paid me pretty well for pursuing my passion. Not a bad deal! I can only wish the same for you in your career!

Presidents’ Birthdays . . . and Agriculture

We stand on the verge of debating the next Farm Bill.  It’s unclear to me where the leadership will come from to craft this next round of agricultural policy.  With February upon us I thought now might be a good time to reflect on the history of America’s early national leaders and their views on agriculture.  I thought I’d start with the two Presidents whose birthdays we celebrate this month.  So, let’s take a look at our first President.

Mt Vernon PSPA

“I had rather be on my farm than be emperor of the world”

“I know of no pursuit in which more real and important services can be rendered to any country than by improving its agriculture, its breed of useful animals, and other branches of a husbandman’s cares.” – George Washington

Washington was clearly a man who loved his farm.  Perhaps, he loved it more than being president!  He had led a nation in wartime, at its founding.  One could argue that the Revolution was mostly about commerce and agriculture.  In fact, to a large degree, commerce and agriculture were one in the same in those days.  At the beginning of our nation America’s place in the world was based on our rapidly expanding agricultural productivity and trade.  Our ability to freely trade those products and gain access to world finances based on our sale of agricultural products was the basis for our growth and prosperity.  Washington, as evidenced by his second quote, was aware that agricultural improvements were, in fact, strategically important to his new nation.  Are these facts so different than what we see in today’s world?

Today, in the midst of a world-wide economic malaise that continues to hobble the U.S. economy, agriculture has been a bright spot.  Our balance of trade is defined by agricultural sales which offset declines in other sectors.  But access to markets in Asia, and elsewhere, are still constrained by imbalances in tariffs and trading rules.  Today, agriculture is one of America’s strategic strong points in international affairs.  More than ever, agricultural technologies from the U.S. dominate world farming practices.  But will the next Farm Bill recognize and capitalize on those advantages?  Will our leaders recognize the importance of research and development, as Washington evidently did?  Will we, for the first time, truly seize the opportunities to permanently preserve our inestimable reserves of prime working lands, farms and forests?  Washington would urge us to do more than we have done – for the sake of our nation!  Now, I turn to Abraham Lincoln.

This leads to the further reflection, that no other human occupation opens so wide a field for the profitable and agreeable combination of labor with cultivated thought, as agriculture. I know of nothing so pleasant to the mind, as the discovery of anything which is at once new and valuable — nothing which so lightens and sweetens toil, as the hopeful pursuit of such discovery. And how vast, and how varied a field is agriculture, for such discovery. The mind, already trained to thought, in the country school, or higher school, cannot fail to find there an exhaustless source of profitable enjoyment.
AbrahamLincoln, Address before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, September 30, 1859

Lincoln Cabin

Putting aside the language of the 19th century, Lincoln’s words sound so fresh and alive to me!  Lincoln, the creator of the United States Department of Agriculture, the signer of the Homestead Act and the Morrill Act, was a man with a keen sense of the importance of taking the seemingly mundane in life and applying research, education, imagination – and making life easier and more fascinating and, yes, finding enjoyment!  At the time of Lincoln’s speech agricultural societies all across the land were pushing for action by the Federal government in support of agriculture.  They had been promoting research and discussion of the emerging scientific advances in farming.  Lincoln, a consummate politician, seized the opportunity to trumpet their cause.  With the politician’s eye he saw that this cause would also combine the interests of the toiling workman with those of the intellectuals and scientists, while providing for the needs of all citizens at lower cost.  Now, there’s a cause worth running a campaign on!  Is that not true today – even more than in Lincoln’s day?  Americans in all walks of life are now asking where their food comes from, what is our diet doing for health and how are our farmers faring?  Agricultural research goes begging while we are on the very verge of monumental advances that will feed more people, at lower costs, with less environmental damage, while improving the lot of farmers here, and around the world.  Lincoln, I believe, would say, “Expand research and get our best – and most practical – minds to work on agriculture!”

The next Farm Bill is upon us.  Where are our leaders who will speak for agriculture?  Should not our nation’s chief politicians see agriculture as the next, great opportunity for America to lead the world – again?  Will we protect our most important strategic resource – our working lands?  When it comes to agriculture – are there any Washingtons or Lincolns to lead the way?  I pray there are!